Healthy Eating Tips for Women

tips for healthy eating for women get lady fit

Most women at some point in their lives struggle with food and with eating healthy foods, mostly due to the emphasis our culture puts on being thin and looking good. While the vast majority of women will never look like supermodels, they do struggle to find the right balance of eating healthy while living an on-the-go lifestyle that can sometimes thwart plans.

Lady Fit offers women's nutritional supplements that are all-natural and free from preservatives, GMOs, and hormones. We strive to offer safe and effective dietary supplements that will help give you energy, keep the weight off, and give you much needed vitamins and minerals that you may be lacking from your diet. We're dedicated to giving you what you need to achieve wellness in your life. Below, we'll take a look at some healthy eating tips for women. Order your women's supplements online today!



Go for Color

When you sit down to a meal, you want as much color on your plate as possible, color meaning fruits and vegetables. While you may think it's okay to eat as many fruits as you want, the problem is that some fruits are full of natural sugars, which gives them that sweet flavor you love. However, too many fruits can be bad for your blood sugar and cause a spike. And when there's a spike, there's an inevitable fall, which can lead to you feeling lethargic or to having the afternoon munchies, which no one wants. Balance is the key when it comes to fruits and vegetables.

Cut Down on Sugar

While some sugar is good for you, the added sugar found in many drinks and processed foods is what can harm  you and pack on the pounds. From soda and breakfast cereals to cakes, chocolate, and alcohol, these sugars can add up quickly. Lady Fit recommends being cognizant of the sugar that is in food so then you can cut those foods down in your diet.

Cut Down on Fat

We all need some amount of fat in order to live a healthy life. However, too much saturated fat can increase our cholesterol and risk of heart disease. You'll find large amounts of saturated fat in fatty cuts of meat, sausage, butter, cakes, pies, and some oils. Choose instead lean meats, and cut the amount of other foods high in saturated fat from your diet.

Add in Exercise

While you may think exercise is not a healthy eating tip, you truly need exercise in order to lead a healthy life. Plus, exercise can help to ensure you fend off obesity as you age and ensure optimal bone health. Women are more at risk for osteoporosis than men. If you add in weight-bearing exercises, you will help to make your bones stronger and help to prevent loss of bone mass as you age.

Ensure You Are Getting Enough Vitamins and Minerals

As women, our bodies need vitamins and minerals in order to keep everything functioning optimally. For example, we need iron for healthy skin, hair, and nails. Lack of iron can affect our mood and our energy levels. Calcium and vitamin D are essential for healthy bones. Vitamins and minerals in your diet can also help ease the symptoms of PMS and menopause. If you are pregnant and/or breast-feeding, you'll also need folate in your body to help prevent birth defects, lower your risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer, and help you avoid mood swings.


Lady Fit offers the best women's supplements for your active lifestyle. We understand the different vitamins and minerals women need in their diet, as well as the role vitamins and minerals play in how your body functions. We currently offer four different women's supplements to fit your needs:

  • Women's Daily Multivitamin to ensure you are getting everything your body needs on an everyday basis.
  • Turmeric Curcumin to help support your joint health, improve cognitive function, and promote a healthy immune system.
  • Keto BHB to help your body utilize fat reserves instead of carbs as your body's main source of energy, so you can lose weight and have more energy.
  • Turmeric & Ginger, which is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory to help relieve joint, back, neck, and knee pain.

Our mission is to help you lead a life full of health and well-being, leading an active lifestyle and doing all of the things that make life worth living that you enjoy doing. We offer all-natural, non-GMO vitamins to give you the boost in energy, replenish depleted vitamins and minerals, and promote a stronger immune system. While we recognize that women's supplements are not a substitute for a healthy diet, taking them can fill in the gaps for those days you don't get in your allotted amounts. Shop our women's vitamins online today!