Difference Between Men and Women's Health Supplements

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Most of us understand that our bodies need vitamins and minerals in order to function optimally. The various vitamins and minerals have different jobs inside our bodies, from helping with chemical reactions to acting as building blocks in the body. These micronutrients as they've been called in order to distinguish them from macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fat) help with the proper digestion and use of the macronutrients that our bodies need in order to be healthy. Deficiencies in micronutrients can cause health problems and affect our overall well-being, such as lacking energy to accomplish our daily tasks. This is where multivitamins come into play.

Lady Fit offers the best women's health supplements that are all-natural, non-GMO, and that will help you get all of the micronutrients you need in order to have energy, a better mood, and have lower levels of stress. Below, we'll go over the difference between men's vitamins and women's vitamins. Order our women's dietary supplements online today!



Women tend to lose more bone strength after the age of 30. Thus, calcium is a key vitamin women need in order to maintain healthy bones. Calcium also is important for a healthy heart, muscles, and nerves.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for your body to absorb calcium in order to prevent weak bones and muscles. It also can help reduce the risk of some cancers and of heart disease, a leading killer of women.


Due to women's period every month, women lose a lot of iron and need to replenish it before their next period. The best way to do this is through a women's multivitamin high in iron. Men don't need this excess iron, and it can actually build up to toxic levels in the body.


Folate, a B vitamin, is necessary for women since it has been shown to reduce the risk of specific birth defects, such as spina bifida. Thus, if you are a woman who may become pregnant in the near future, having folate in your women's daily supplement is an absolute must. Men need folate as well, which helps to prevent heart disease, just not as much.


Magnesium supports hundreds of functions in your body, including helping with bone and tooth formation, growth, brain development, and aids in pregnancy. For women older than 40, magnesium is crucial to help build strong bones and prevent bone loss that can lead to osteoporosis. Other important functions in the body that magnesium helps with include blood pressure regulation and helps with control of blood sugar levels.


Men need more zinc than women need because zinc is crucial in the male's ability to make testosterone. Zinc also helps for protein synthesis and is important in prostate health. Women need zinc but not as much as men do.

Fish Oil

Fish oil is full of the healthy essential omega-3 fats that your body needs. Numerous studies have shown that these fats help to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Vitamin B12

Of the same family as folates, vitamin B12 is essential to make red blood cells, as well as help with optimal brain functioning and helps keep your nervous system healthy. You get most of your vitamin B12 from animal proteins. Your body can have trouble absorbing vitamin B12 as you get older, which is why it's important to supplement it, either with women's supplements or as a shot. In men, vitamin B12 helps older men by boosting brain health.


Lady Fit offers daily multivitamins exclusively for women. We understand that women need different supplements than men. Our women's vitamins are designed to help boost your energy, strengthen your immune system, and promote a healthy heart and good blood circulation. We offer:

  • Women's Daily Multivitamin. This women's supplement is designed to promote your overall health and wellness. Packed with all the extra vitamins and minerals you need, this women's multivitamin will help you with energy, stamina, anti-aging, mental clarity, digestion, and more.
  • Turmeric Curcumin. This all natural women's dietary supplement offers antioxidative protection from free radicals, supports joint health, helps with brain function, and helps with dry skin. This is a great supplement to support your active lifestyle.
  • Keto BHB. If you're looking for a gluten-free, all natural weight loss supplement, choose Lady Fit's Keto BHB. This women's daily supplement helps with energy, stamina, and promotes the burning of fat instead of carbs.
  • Turmeric & Ginger. Free from GMOs and preservatives, Lady Fit's Turmeric & Ginger helps with bone and cardiovascular health, back and neck pain, and acts as an anti-inflammatory. This women's dietary supplement is a great fit for your on-the-go lifestyle.

Lady Fit offers the best women's vitamins and supplements on the market. Visit us online, and order today!